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Friday wonderful Friday ,What a lovely day

My Daughter Tracy on the Left and Daughter in law Tracy on Right, Both great girls who help so much with cat's and cat Registrations Pedigree's and are so much more, should have met up with them tonight but after an upsetting day with my mother I just couldn't be bothered to go out with them, never mind there is always next week.Did have a lovely meal here with my sister so that was lovely

Sorry no more pictures yet, had some bad new's about my mother this week so I went with my sister to give her a nice day out, she is getting on now but still struggle on, things Dont look good for her but knowing my mother she will not let anything beat her, she enjoyed her day and so did we, we took her to a flower and plant fair which was lovely, I managed to get some really lovely hardy plants for the garden and hopefully wont have to do much to them, My sister is the gardener so she done the planting, we came home thinking the builder would be nearly done on the garden,WRONG he ran out of sand, never mind like they say good thing's come to those who wait, have visitors tomorrow and friends over Sunday my Friend Raine Matt and Beth with one of our Fudges off springs ,bet my stepson wont be able to wait to see her, and no TIM you can not take her as well she is mine, Daughter Tracy will be over tomorrow as well hopefully she will do some work for me bless her, it is soon to be Raines Daughters birthday and Tracy has made up a nice present for her,
All the kittens are doing so well getting about play fighting and looking so beautiful, After my visitors have left tomorrow I will get the pictures loaded, they have grown so much, Brixie's babies are so big and just like sky in build very big kittens, Tiegans babies are fudges and so are Crystals and they are just superb, My little blue tabby/white boy from Tiegans litter who is staying if he runs on well is looking just gorgeous but so are the other's, Crystals babies have now been introduced to fresh mince Rabbit and they love it, post again soon x