Kayla & Fudge will be having a litter soon, Fudges last babies as he is now done with being a stud boy, babies should be beautiful, Kayla is doing very well and has been eating for for 10, she has been a grumpy little minx this morning not wanting Dollie to sit in her bed with her or play with her toys, it isn't like Kayla but Dollie is as mad as well dont like to say, have done the cleaning with Steve's help it don't take long when there is the 2 of us doing it, the babies are all doing well and if Crystals babies are OK after the vaccinations they will be going to their new loving parents on the 30th April, Crystals kittens are huge and so beautiful and so pleased with them,
Have to go visit my Mum this morning was going to take Dollie with me but think she will be abit much for my mum as she can be a little devil, my mum has alot of breakables in her house and really wouldn't be able to replace them if they got broken, picking my sister up coming back and hopefully lay on the beach this afternoon if we can find a space it has been jammed packed here all week,