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My Website is Down for a short time

My son in law is updating a few things for me so website will be down for a short time, Kayla is looking ready to pop bless her, she has either big babies or lots of small one's, poor Kayla is just huge and can just about woddle, can't wait for these babies as they should be beautiful if they look like her or Fudgie, Dollie is taking on more looks and ways of Fudge, she seem's to have settled so well and is much more relaxed and don't chase around at 100 miles an hour like she did, she love the white kittens and will soon have Joebee to play with, the weather is still lovely but have a cool breeze now which is so much better, Crystal is calling her lungs out and the Ovarid do not seem to be working for her if anyone know's of a good tip to help her please let me know, Sky think he is in for a chance but he will have a long wait,
Had some beautiful pictures of our new girl and she is gorgeous, we have decided to call her sienna, think we have another 2 weeks to go and she will be here, just hope Dollie get's on with her as she is so spoilt growl if the other's touch her stuff, she is more like a spoilt child then a kittie.