Im up and about early as need to get all litter trays cleaned cat rooms tidied up ,how the heck do they manage to make so much mess over night litter every where, washing in and should be out on the line by 7am, Change of cat and kitten blankets so Pet washing machine will be running in a minute, got fish in microwave as it dont smell cooking in there and chicken steaming so that will be cool and fresh to feed before we hit the road to Raine and Matt's, have to stop off at Tracy's on the way through to collect the kids easter baskets she has made for Beth and Oliver, We wont be taking my car or Steve's car but will be traveling like the dingles in his van, Steve has alot of roofing for Matt to extend their cattery further, good job it is a newish van or we might get into a bit of bother, was going to take Dollie with us but think it isn't fair her going all that way in the van, it would have been OK in the car as she is used to that, she is back to her scatty self and doing nose dives from one sofa to the other, you would think she was human for what she get's up to the little monster munch.Have a good day all as I know we will,
Thanks Raine for everything good day had by all, only 5 weeks and you will be here for the week-end .cant wait xx