Another Beautiful day and not enough hours in it for us busy busy busy, I have a nasty hacking cough and lovely cold to go with it but us women have to carry on, what would my cat's do without me Im not like some breeder's mess off to work leave them all the time and expect them to look after themselves poor little Darling's, Hubby Steve have been busy planting up hanging baskets and hanging them round the cattery and putting more lights around the grass verge , look more like Blackpool lights here at night when it is dark, took some nice pictures of Brixie's babies and Tiegans, must get some more of Crystals done if they stay still long enough, they have 2nd vac's this week and health Check so not long and they will be joining their new Parents, We will miss them so much they are the sweetest but we are keeping a boy here so wont be quite as bad, cant decide on his name yet, he is so friendly and follow me even trying to get in the shower but soon run when I put the shower on, just sit at the door watching, have lots to do tomorrow and friend to visit so hope this cough hurry up and go,happy days ... Brixie's Babie's below