Busy Busy Busy
Not been able to write anything lately, I have been so busy with the kittens and people coming here to visit, Kayla's babies are just beautiful and will find the time to post some pictures very soon, the babies are all Reserved now and very happy that the people who have reserved them are just lovely, My friend Raine is having a beautiful boy for future breeding if all go well with him but we have our eye between 2 of them so we will make that final decision very soon then just run him on and see how he go, I have just finished making Raine a new website site and am as pleased as her and Matt with it, My son in law Dave bless him changed it over for me yesterday as im lazy really and should do it myself but he is much quicker at it then me, For a change we have no one today which will feel pretty strange but Steve wants us to go out to eat so that is good with me as long as it is down by the river, hope you all have a good day x