Hopefully a relaxing Sunday
I have been given full permission by Kirsty Rayner Shaw to add anything I like about her on my blog website etc, so here go, I made friends with Kirsty awhile ago when she was looking for kittens and could not believe my luck it was Kirsty as she manages many very well known celebs being PR to alot of them, She was here Sunday with us with her lovely husband lexi Who is also a PR to many and have connections with Prince Harry which I have a picture and her 4 gorgeous children who are just so adorable,My Grand Daughter and Tracy my Daughter were here yesterday and we have talked much about Chelsea to Kirsty and emailed Alex about her and after her college stint she has the opportunity working with the what we call the jet set, Kirsty has 2 of my Kittens and have another booked for Meera who acts in a comedy on the tele and also Meera has played in many more television programes, a very clever lady who writes alot of her own material, I will from time to time be posting more pictures of the goings on the pic posted is the last one taken with Alex and Katie before the break up, Alex and Kirsty are very good friends she Pr for him to, Kirsty's week is busy as she has to meet up with hugh hefner to interview his new bunny girls, wonder if I would pass LOL god to big for that never find a cosi to fit me.