Here we have Kayla and fudges litter of brown Classic tabby and whites, they are just adorable and so sweet, We have re available a boy and girl from this litter, they are very chunky babies and doing brilliant, Kay is an excellent mother and has really done us proud,

I managed to take a picture of Bagheera taking a well earned rest after feeding her babies which I have added a pic of them too, She is being a very good mum and doing well being her first litter and having 7 was a bit of a shock for us all as she didn't look that big, unfortunately we lost one kitten due to Bagheera laying on it and probably suffocating it, these things do happen and nothing can be done to prevent it unless you want to stay with them 24/7,it isn't easy being a breeder but it keeps you on your toes, to be honest wouldn't have it any other way, I have such a soft spot for baggy and just adore this girl to bits