Show News
I have now decided the time is right to show some of my girls along with my friend Raine and we are all booked to go to the Ragtime TICA show in Peterborough June 25/26 th which we are both looking forward to, a very lovely lady has made my cage curtains for me and I think they are so beautiful so much so I am going to get another set in another colour so have 2 lots for a change, I have never locked my girls in so don't know how they will feel about that but it isn't for to long so with abit of luck they should be OK, Have Raine coming over next week end to choose her boy as we will be keeping one of fudges little boys back for a stud man, we have a hard decision on 2 of them but to be honest all the 4 boys are huge and exactly like the dad, going over to my friends today so need to clean early and hopefully can leave at a reasonable time.